In 2015, Special Collections was asked to bring a display of materials to the Virginia Tech Women's Weekend. As part of the display, two archivists on staff created a slideshow of women's "firsts" on campus, including images and facts.
This is a 1996 interview with Marguerite Laurette Harper Scott covering her childhood and her experiences at Virginia Tech as one of the first six black women at admitted in 1966. It includes the audio file and a transcript.
This is the preprint of an article published in the Smithfield Review by Faith Skiles on the first two years of the Julian Burruss administration (1921-1923).
This thesis analyzes coeducation as a process between 1914 and 1964 at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (VPI), as it was called during the period of study. The date for women's full-time admission came in 1921, but this thesis argues that, in the…